First and foremost we’re here to maximise your revenue potential

Having worked with many of the UK’s leading independent producton companies we discovered that everything to do with music was incredibly complex and confusing with very little support or information available
That’s why we set up Blip

Not only do we look after your TV music revenue, but we will also look after you

From the outset of production right through to final delivery we can take care of everything music related. Our aim is to provide your production team with the one to one music guidance and support they need throughout the production process

We can advise you on how best to generate income from your in show music and we’ll make sure that this revenue is managed, collected and returned to you effectively and efficiently

Providing music support to the TV & film industry

  • Primary Music Management

  • Music Supervision

  • Music Composition

  • Secondary Music Exploitation


Let’s work together

For more information about what we do and how we can help you achieve a stress free production, please get in touch and one of the team will be happy to get back to you.